As i was thinking of giving some gift to my friend, i thought of adding some personal touch to it, i came with this chocolate sauce idea, inspired by choclate fondue. I dont have a Fondue set, i thought i can make one of my own by recycling some utensils, but that i will do later..
for now the recipie of Chocolate Sauce:
1 Teaspoon of Butter
3/4 cup of unsweetened confectioner's dark chocolate
3 tablespoon of Sweetened condence milk
half a pack of Cream
put butter in the double boiler ( boil water in a large pan and put a small pan over the boiling water pan, putting chcolate on direct heat will burn it)
add chocolate chunks, once it is melted add cream and condenced milk. Stir well and allow to cool on room temperature.
Taaa tadaa :P
once ready put in a steralized bottle and refrigerate. Can be used as a Dip for Biscuits and small cake pieces.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Fun to know facts ! :)
"typewriter" is the longest word that can be typed using the keys in the single row of keyboard..
a cats ear has 32 muscle ..
"lollipop" is the longest word.. typed with the right hand :)
a cats ear has 32 muscle ..
"lollipop" is the longest word.. typed with the right hand :)
a wish ..
All girls party coming up soon..
i am excited and making some stuff to share with my girls..
i badly need a get together with my ladies .. i need to shake off a Few "things" from my mind..
but i wish.. and yes ..
i am excited and making some stuff to share with my girls..
i badly need a get together with my ladies .. i need to shake off a Few "things" from my mind..
but i wish.. and yes ..
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

an inability to connect feelings with words..
for better or for worse: a little bit on communicating your feelings..
awareness of emotional and verbal skills: we all need to learn this, an honest communication tha focuses on feelings rather than points fingers at other. One of the reasons this a challenge for some is that this important "Skill" was neither taught nor modeled by our parents. Parents practice more often the "critical parenting skills" rather than "emotionally intimate parenting". Critical parenting sounds like " Oh boy! look at this messy room, why do i always have to clean it up for you? This is disgusting, no TV for you tonight, Bad Boy!!"
Emotionally Intimate parenting sounds like " Jhonny i feel angry when i have to clean up your room, and i want you to feel proud of your room, so i'm going to help you become neater by saying a clean room means a reward of TV"
Notice the focus on feelings ..
so if you were parented in the most common way, there is still time you learn and fix things.
First of all, in every communication, try to identify your own feelings and express them as a reaction to someone's behaviour rather than an assult on their behaviour. People get less defensive when they hear the word "i feel" than when they hear "You are"
At times we have trouble labeling that uneasy feeling in the stomach. Here's a quick list of most common feelings people express. These are the 20 power words of emotional intimacy. Next time you tell a story to someone, add your emotional experiances by saying "i feel" followed by one of these words: Nervous, Happy, sad, angry, disappointed, hopeful, ignored, embarrassed, Envious, Jealous, Lonely, Excited, surprised, Proud, Scared, quilty, Aroused, Uncomfortable, rejected, loved.
This kind of language, will open the doors for the tender parts of your psyche and conversation and helps you become more accessible and ultimately more loveable. It will also model kills for others. This emotionful talk at first can be scary at first but it can enrich all your relationships. I feel confident about it :)
(courtesy Dr. Wendy Walsh)
Most Viewed video of 2009 is ..
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Recycled Pencil Holder

i was cooking lunch in the kitchen where i got this idea of making this pencil holder ..
really easy and simple..
- took this frozen food box and paper glasses
- cut out 2 holes in the box, a less than the circle
- covered the box and glasses with paper, i used white glue, you may use stapler or tape.
- fixed the glasses in the holes.
- with foamic sheets of different colors you can make any thing to decorate the holder, i made this icecream, by cutting out foamic sheet with free hand, and pasted all the pieces on a cardstock. Cut out from the edges. using a very sharp scissors.. glued the edges of icecream and sprinkled little bit of golden glitter on it for the tanggy look :)
- pasted little pieces of foam on the back of my icecream .. and stick the final piece with the holder...
- Volla :) ready with your own... keep pencil, can be used in the kitchen, for paint brushes, and alot of experiments can be done with the paper ..
Monday, December 21, 2009
the Blue feeling of sunday...
waking up on a sunday for Economics class in the morning is not a very pleasent thing...
but anyways.. i woke up at 8:30 though by that time i should have been sitting in the class..
reached college at 9:30 ...
she didn't take the quiz .. its on 3rd ..
something happened in between.. i m skipping that part..
on my way back at 5 i had to stop at the stationery store..
and bought me self ... a white gouche paint, 2 black glaze papers.. and a sketch book :)
i am soo happy to buy these things...

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Social Loafing..
i was reading something about Organization behaviour and came accross this brilliant term, "Social Loafing" i liked it so much because i can recall doing this a few times in my professional career ... though unintentionally .. but not always..
social loafing means: The tendency of an individual in a group to decrease his or her effort because responsibility and individual achievement cannot be measured..
this is amazing, i never really thought of it..
but since now i know about it, i am more consious .. and i will not let this happen, instead i think, there still is an opportunity for me to make sure, that effort if not measured is atleast HIGHLIGHTEd.. or noticed..
how can i do that???
why is it so important for me to get highlighted? DUH.. my insecurity at times.. just makes me crazy ..
social loafing means: The tendency of an individual in a group to decrease his or her effort because responsibility and individual achievement cannot be measured..
this is amazing, i never really thought of it..
but since now i know about it, i am more consious .. and i will not let this happen, instead i think, there still is an opportunity for me to make sure, that effort if not measured is atleast HIGHLIGHTEd.. or noticed..
how can i do that???
why is it so important for me to get highlighted? DUH.. my insecurity at times.. just makes me crazy ..
its a Tough question.. totally random

Aj din charheya .. teray rang verga..
tujh mai RAB dikhta hay...
these lyrics sometimes makes me wonder, if one can really fall in love like this..
what would it be like to be in Love like this???
these are just beautiful words any one can think.. any one who is good with methaphorically associating things ..
how can any one long for a partner with this intensity??
lovely songs though by "love aj kal"
how do u know, that the one you tell " i love you" is actually the one you love?
answer is simple, you feel it..
but not always..
then you shouldn' t always say that, when you are not feeling it..
so it can't be there always..
its another word to over come the insecurity??
i feel like writing more about it..
i will ... i just think its over rated..
Friday, December 18, 2009
Something to start off with..

Couldnot sleep all night, because of so many ideas running in my head..
so decided to make something..
i made this wreth from this old, packing material ring, my sister had cut out for her school project for about 10 years ago..
Step 1: covered it all with an old dupatta of mine, green ..
step 2: cut out leaves of paper added some shimmer on'em ..
step 3: added some white paper ribbons
step 4: added mini ornaments, that i have been collecting since long..
and there you go .. :)
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