Saturday, August 6, 2011

Haan !

Today it was a celebration going on in their house, the ceremony is called "Haan" - means accepting .. and it was accepted, she is very happy, she will soon be getting married to a very nice guy, well educated, whom she has met once... criteria of Haan was to see his family, that he is well settled in London, holds a degree from London in computer sciences, he is her brother in law's friend.. small family, only son with 2 sisters, one is already married and settled in Amreca land.

I have not really met, but he seems like a nice guy from what i have heard about him. He will be coming to pak in a few weeks, and then there will be celebrations.

So this is about Family Traditions and the culture, how two people meet for once and then they decide that they are ready to take a chance. Inside their hearts they know, its a gamble, you never know, what you may encounter. But they are willing to give it a shot. It was very quick today, how things fell into place, and everyone was happy. Like they had it all figured out, but at the same moment, they didn't know what is going to happen, all they seek is future happiness which the families are going to get when the two people unite.

The rational decision process, is actually so irrational. Indicators to predict the future behavior are so miscalculated. In fact there are no indicators which are considered which can indicate how the individual is going to be in future, but then what is rationality here? It is after all a gamble.. 

I am not against or in favor of it, because i have myself done something like this. But i find it strange, but may be that is the way it is supposed to be. Life's one big decision, but this is how your life is, unpredictable ..

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